Four Types of Line

I tried to think of different moods for each of my compositions but the word “energetic” kept coming to me. My first piece reminds me of a magnetic field of some sort. It looks like the object in the middle is giving off a magnetic force, causing the other objects to attract and repel each other. In my second composition the diagonal lines remind me of electricity also giving it a energetic mood. My third composition reminds me of the inside of a computer or a computer chip. This was my favorite and what I believe to be my most successful piece. It gives off a “techie” look with all the different sized squares and rectangles. My last composition not only gave off an energetic mood but a gory/disturbing mood as well. The composition looks almost like waves in battle and blood dripping down from underneath.
I believe that my last composition where we had to make curved, organic lines was my weakest. Since there were a lot of curved lines I feel like it was difficult to get a real clean cut. I wish my edges were more smooth rather than jagged. I wish I was better at cutting in a circular path. I also think I could have used up more of the white space on the paper.
I really like your third and fourth pieces! The third one looks like a maze and the fourth one it looks like water or blood dripping its cool!!!!
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