
In the first drawing I created a flower by using only one single continuous line that never crosses itself. The drawing has an enormous amount of differences in it’s appearance. It is full of different shapes curvatures and line sizes. This being true, my first drawing could be said to be extremely powerful and full of energy. In the second drawing I created the same picture but with a variety of different sized parallel-vertical lines. The picture slightly gives off a 3D look, and looks like pins and needles poking through the paper. The composition looks sharp. Due to the variety found in this composition, the drawing is in fact full of energy as well.
In my first composition you will find implied lines. There are a number of places where the viewers eye will jump across a space to pick up the continuous line else where. My flower is full of loops and angles that point the eye across the drawing. This fascinates me. If your eye is on the flower pedal you could jump down to the stem and see that this drawing is in fact one continuous line. In my second composition with the parallel-vertical lines you are also able to get the viewer’s eye to jump across a space. This is a little different though because it is not one continuous line. Your eye will jump between the negative and positive spaces.
Since the object I chose to draw was so complex, it made it a little difficult to create a fluid connection throughout both compositions. The flower has a lot of leaves and flower pedals which make it difficult to make out what they are especially in the first drawing. In the second drawing it is also hard to make out because the parallel-vertical lines mesh together.
- Julie
Wow ur flower is amazing like I can't believe how much detail you got of the flower using one line!
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