Thursday, February 2, 2012

Line Drawing DubStep - Brett Uttley

Contour Line - Draft

Contour Line - Final
Vertical Line - Draft

Vertical Line - Final
While I was working on the contour line draft, I realized that I was doing the assignment wrong. Once I figured out what I was doing wrong, I saw my draft slowly turning into an ambitious drawing. At first, I was hesitant to "step outside the box," but once I decided to go for it, the piece became smoother. Initially I was too concerned with drawing the Gatorade bottle perfectly, instead of making the piece my own.

In both pieces, I decide experiment with altering the line variation to emphasize particular areas of the piece. Regarding the contour line piece, I decide to alter the line diameter and darkness on the top of the bottle in order to emphasize my initials. By doing that, I also used implied lines because the eyes seemed to shift directly towards my initials and then the eyes picked up another line and scanned the rest of the piece. Additionally, on the vertical line piece, I also experimented with line diameter on the two Gatorade symbols in the middle of the piece. I decided to darken the 2 symbols because I was trying to experiment with proximity. I was curious to see if darkening the two symbols would create depth.


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